I Photograph - Andy Lua

Andy Lua

Scuba diving . Cycling . Conservation

I Photograph

Andy Lua: i believe photography adding more colours to my life, Adding more fun during my journey & its representing thousands of memories. Feel free to download/share the pictures for usage. and if you are happy to hire me for your photography session, feel free to contact me here. You can also look for me to start diving courses, cycling advice and to involve in conservation toward charity. This is how i make my living.

Pictures from the top: Local Thai-Malaysian during festive, Beach pre-wedding, Cool dive master, kid in the tank, Tao temple, boat @ long beach, seahorse.

Location: Perhentian Island and other island.

Photography: Underwater, family, wedding, in-door/out-door, models, kids, new born, sport, birthday, overseas.

Why i want to share: It is just to much fun to ignore

When: Since 2010

look also: my scuba diving, cycling, and conservation.

Special shout out: post it!

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